Dot Com Secrets Pdf Free Download

A good book can change your life & DotCom Secrets PDF is here to prove it.

We live in a modern society where the digital transformation has taken its toll on many business owners.

Times have changed over the past couple of years, and business owners had to double the amount of work if they wanted to stay in the game.

If you happen to be a business owner yourself and don't want to be left behind, you will have to learn how to promote and sell your business online (the right way). dotcom secrets pdf

It's a vital skill to have if you seek improvement and growth for your business.

If you fail to promote your business the correct way and don't follow a proven blueprint, there is a big chance that you won't be here for long (just being honest).

 If you are new to the online marketing game, please be aware that it can take a while until you comprehend and master it all. Things can get quite overwhelming and can be confusing at first.

There is so much new information put on the internet every single day that it is almost impossible to keep track of it all.

Please have in mind that information overload can be a typical outbreak if you're a beginner at this.

But what if it doesn't have to be like that?

What if you could learn everything about online promotion and growth for your business from an authoritative source?

Having a mentor that had already succeeded way before you even thought of doing it can be a significant advantage when starting.

Trust me, learning the material from someone that has already been through it all can make your life much more comfortable.

Do you want to hear some good news?

You can!

The co-founder of Clickfunnels, Russel Brunson, has written a very informative book that every single business owner should have read by now.

Haven't you heard of Clickfunnels yet? Don' worry, I will give you a quick update.

It's a powerful sales funnel building software that can have your first sales funnel created in less than five minutes. It is truly a powerful tool that can take your business to the next level.

The book is named "DotCom Secrets," and it's a brilliant laid out game-plan than can have a substantial positive impact on every business.

There are plenty of hidden gems and secrets inside the book that can be of massive service for every business owner.

In this article, we're going to review "DotCom Secrets," and I will even share with you how to get it for FREE!

what is dotcom secrets about

What Is DotCom Secrets PDF About

 This book was published in 2015 and is a 254-pages long guide that will teach any average marketer how to run a successful online business that can pass the six-figure/year mark.

Lead generation is one of the main modules in this book that will teach you how to grab everyday visitors and convert them into loyal paying customers.

 Tony Robbins even recommends it!

 It has more than a hundred thousand copies sold on Kindle Amazon. Still, please be aware that if you decide to purchase it through Amazon, you will have to pay an extra price for the book.

 It costs $19.96 (+shipping), but I will give it to you for FREE (just pay to ship).

What's great about this is the fact that it will arrive as a physical copy, and you can read it whenever you want (the sooner, the better).

Generating new leads daily is an essential part of every business. Without them, your business is worth nothing.

So, should you buy the book?

 Absolutely YES!

"But I've been doing this for a while and know everything…"

 That's completely fine because even a seasoned marketer can find this book to be beneficial. It's always a good idea to come back to the basics and learn from the fundamentals.

Trust me; you will level-up after reading this book. It happened to me, and it can happen to you as well.

But before you get confused, let me give you a quick explanation of what this book is NOT about:

  1.  You will not find any grey hat techniques that will show you how to bring millions of new visitors to your site daily. That doesn't mean it will not teach you how to increase your traffic. As a matter of fact, after reading the book and implementing the techniques that Russel teaches, I saw a 29.13% increase in traffic to my website.

  2. It is not a "become a conversion expert" kind of book, but I can assure you that you will grasp the concept of conversions much better after you're done reading this book. It's filled with valuable information that any business owner can benefit from.

  3. It was not written as a get rich scheme, and it will not do all of the hard work for you. If you wish to grow, be consisted, and have patience.

This book will serve as a map for your online marketing journey. It is highly detailed and will spill all the little dirty secrets that you need to know if you wish to see progress.

Finally, there's a better, faster, and more precise way to start learning the internet marketing industry from the ground-up.

FACT: The best-kept secrets in the internet marketing industry can be found in this book, and you can have it for such a small price.


Russel Brunson is the co-founder of Clickfunnels and is one of the most knowledgeable marketers in today's time.

 He is truly a sensational entrepreneur that many people look up to and want to learn from…

Adding value and keeping things simple is something that Russel does best.

He has mastered the skill of selling and can sell anything that he gets his hands on.

Don't believe me?

 What if I told you that he once sold thousands of copies on how to create a potato gun…? I know, it's impressive and quite apparent that he has a sense of humor as well.

He's been an internet marketing "guru" for quite some time now. He has shown people the importance of using sales funnels for their business.

 He grew his company to a $300,000,000 empire without any third-party investments. This means he owns at least %95 of it (WOW).

He has genuinely mastered every step of a successful marketing campaign, and it all happened through trial and error. He wrote all the mistakes in his book DotCom Secrets.

 Over the past couple of years, he's been teaching other online entrepreneurs how to grow and see success for their businesses through his Funnel Hacks Webinar.

He will teach you how to run a successful long-term business without all the unnecessary bu**shit.

If you want to know more about him and what he's done in the past, check this article out.


This book will not only serve you like a detailed guide on what you should be doing if you wish to see your business improve but also what you should avoid and NOT do.

 It's going to be much more comfortable and manageable to run a successful online business if you learn from the mistakes that others have made before you.

This book is filled with helpful tips on how to make money online and is divided into five sections:

  1.  Ladders and Funnels
  2. Your Communication Funnel
  3. "Funnelology"
  4. Funnels and Scripts
  5. ClickFunnels

We're now going to discuss each section in more detail!

Ladders and Funnels

The first section of this book is all about the concept of the "value ladder," where Russel discusses the importance of value ladders and funnels.

He talks about the benefits of mixing things up and offering different products to your customers as time goes by. This will assure you that you extract the most amount of value and money from each prospect.

It will also help you extract a crucial metric that is known as a value per lead (VPL).

Why is this metric important?

You can use this metric to see how much money a customer is worth to your business. It can help you determine the amount of money you spend on advertising and acquiring new leads.

 He also emphasizes the importance of knowing your target audience and how it can affect your sales process.

It's not about bringing random people through the door. You want your audience to be interested in what you are offering.

Get this part right, and you will see an enormous increase in revenue.

Every business owner wants to sell their high-ticket item first, but this is not the way to go.

You will have to warm your leads up by offering them lower-ticket items, so the time comes for them to buy the high-ticket item they have already purchased from you, and they're used to pulling money out of their pockets.

How do you push your customers into higher-ticket items?

By implementing sales funnels into your daily marketing routine!

Russel is an expert when it comes to pushing your customer down the pipe.

The first section has five secrets:

SECRET #1: The Secret Formula

Leaving all the guesswork aside and finding out what your potential customer wants, needs, and desires will get you on the right track to making a sale(much faster).

the secret formula

 All you have to do is ask yourself four simple questions that will describe your ideal customer in a nutshell:

1. Who are my dream clients?

2. What do I need to give them so I attract them?

3. How can I find them?

4. What result will my clients have if they choose me?

Understanding your ideal customer and creating a buyer persona is a very crucial part of every business.

SECRET #2: The Value Ladder

Secret number two is all about the customers' journey from the moment you grab their attention and "fish" them in, to the moment they reach your final step of the ladder. the value ladder

 It maps out the journey of the customer through the value ladder.

Get this part right, and you will increase the amount of money your customer is giving you in a specific period (sometimes years).

SECRET #3: From A Ladder To A Funnel

If you ever wanted to build a successful sales funnel and want to know all of the secrets that go behind creating one, then secret number three will spell it out for you.

Mapping your value ladder the right way and understanding the mental-process that goes behind a profitable sales funnel will make things much easier for you and your company.

It's a step-by-step explanation of how a sales funnel should function!

SECRET #4: How To Find Your Dream Customers

It all comes back to the necessity of using a buyer persona for your business.

If you know what your customers' needs, it will be very effortless to grab and keep their attention. This is a very crucial part of generating leads for your business.

SECRET #5: The Three Types Of Traffic

Traffic is the one ingredient your company can't function without.

You can have all the essential steps done correctly, but if you fail to produce traffic, it's all worthless. secret five dotcom

Russel breaks down traffic into three parts:

1. Traffic We Control

2. Traffic We Don't Control

3. Traffic We Own

Make sure you pay special attention to this part of the book!

Your Communication Funnel

E-mail marketing is an excellent way to establish a long-lasting and high-quality relationship with your potential customers.

This section will teach you everything you need to know about the correct approach you need to have with the customer, and it will set the tone of voice that you communicate with your prospect.

Storytelling is a significant skill to possess, and it will teach any marketer how to address their customers the right way.

A good story will instruct the customer to make a specific action on your website and can increase your conversion rate massively.

Combine copywriting with the powerful e-mail automation tool that Clickfunnels provides you with, and you are pretty much set and ready to go.

To put it in simple terms, this section will teach you the right communication approach that you need to have with your audience.

In this module, Russel Brunson mentions three secrets:

SECRET #6: The Attractive Character

Secret number six is all about creating the picture-perfect figure that your audience can relate to.

Having a character will make it easier for your audience to connect with you and the product that you are offering.

See the image below to understand what I'm talking about. the attractive character

SECRET #7: The Soap Opera Sequence

This is the part where you combine it all!

The ideal customer from "secret six" + the right communication channel will ensure you establish a meaningful relationship with you and your customer.

But what exactly is "The Soap Opera Sequence"?

It's a set of e-mail templates that Russel personally uses daily to attract visitors and convert them to paying customer that are eager to hear what he has to say next. Soap Opera Sequence

Do you see how powerful this is?

It will teach you the superpower of click-baiting and storytelling.

It will make your visitor impatient and thirsty for every upcoming e-mail.

Pretty cool stuff, right?

SECRET #8: Daily Seinfeld E-Mail Sequence

As Russel once said, it is vital to keep your customers engaged and cheerful!

 That's what the "Daily Seinfeld Sequence" is all about.

It teaches you how to generate creative and fun content that your audience will find appealing and will put them in a "buying state."

It's based on personal storytelling, and it tells your audience that they're not alone and that you also have been through all of it. Daily Seinfeld Sequence

It will make it easier for them to connect with you.

This will make them feel like they know you and can relate to your story, which will eventually lead them to buy from you.

Secret number eight also comes with a bonus e-mail template section (woohoo!).


The best thing that you can do for your business is to start using sales funnels. They will nurture your lead and guide him into a sale!

 The "Funnelology" section of this book is all about crafting and outlining the perfect sales funnel.

Designing a funnel is not a simple task, but Russel will prove to you otherwise. Russel is a big believer when it comes to "sticking what already works." the seven phases of a funnel dotcom secrets

He shares the importance of modeling what already works and has proven to be profitable. He believes this is the fastest way to get profitable with funnels.

And he's right!

You can also go ahead and access his detailed FREE webinar training, where he will share with you all the dirty secrets to managing a successful sales funnel.

This module of the book will teach you how to manage your funnels the correct way, and he also shares five secrets that every reader will find beneficial.

We'll go through all of them, one by one.

SECRET #9: Reverse Engineering A Successful Funnel

The last thing that you want to do when it comes to sales funnel is to try and remake the blueprint that is already working.

Instead, what you want to do is go ahead and "duplicate" what's already working and make your life easier.

Secret number nine is all about finding the funnel that has proven to be successful and trying to model it and make it fit your business.

He's teaching you how to hack a particular funnel and make it work for you!

He teaches you how to deconstruct a particular funnel and find out his audience, traffic sources, landing pages, and ad copies.

This is a delightful secret that led me to buy his book in the first place. I think it's going to be your favorite as well.

SECRET #10: Seven Phases Of A Sales Funnel

If you're confused as I was, you might not know what a correct successful funnel looks like or how it even functions.

If you still can't comprehend the stages of an operative sales funnel, the following quote from Russel Brunson should clear the fog and make it easier to grasp:

"The real difference between having a six-, seven-, or even eight-figure business is whether you understand the phases of a funnel and can successfully monetize the points along the line."

Secret number ten is all about understanding every section of a sales funnel separately, and crafting your content and message, so it aligns with your marketing goal.

SECRET #11: The Twenty-Three Building Blocks Of A Funnel

When designing a sales funnel, it is imperative to know how to allocate your blocks so if suits your business needs the best.

Russel shares twenty-three block templates that will work the best for your funnel. Every block is used at a specific time.

It can vary depending on the stage of the funnel:

1. Pre-Frame Bridge

2. Qualifying Subscribers

3. Qualifying Buyers

4. Identifying Hyperactive Buyers

SECRET #12: Frontend vs. Backend Funnels

There is a big difference when it comes to front-end and back-end sales funnels. Many people get confused about this part and often get it wrong.

Russel explains it in great detail and helps you understand what type of funnel your front-end users should be seeing.

Remember the value ladder?

There is a time and place for each product to be presented to your audience. Some products are best left for the middle, and back-end part of your sales funnel.

SECRET #13: The Best Bait

This is where the fun begins!

The author of the book shares the best-kept secret that helped him leverage his business and take it to the next level.

It's the very same secret and technique that he used to sell over a million copies of his books.

It's truly on the best (if not the best) secret that Russel will share with his audience.

I'm going to try and explain how dominant this secret is without exaggerating.

Entrepreneurs would kill for it.

dotcom secrets download ADVICE: Grab a FREE book copy and learn all the dirty secrets behind a successful marketing campaign

Funnel And Scripts

In this section of the book, Russel will share some excellent tips and tricks that have worked for him in the past.

They are bits of advice that you can implement straight away, and Russel has used them personally to grow his business and craft his sales funnels.

Brunson's a great teacher and guides you through the entire process every step of the way.

He even shares with you his most profitable sales funnel templates that you can use right from the get-go.

 One time offers another thing you will be taught in this module.

Make sure you pay close attention to this part because it can have a significant impact on the performance of your sales funnel.

A nicely crafted offer can cover your traffic costs and can generate leads for your business free of charge (awesome stuff).

Russel uses scripts to promote and sell his products. He separates these scripts into three parts:

1. Front-end Funnel

2. Middle Funnel

3. Back-end Funnel

Let's discuss each piece separately!

PART #1: Front-End Funnel: Two-Step – FREE Plus Shipping

The first part of the front-end funnel works best if the product that you give out is free, and you ask for the customer to pay the shipping costs.

DotCom Secrets is an actual example of this offer!

On the first page, you will have to fill in some necessary information about yourself and the address that you wish your book to be shipped to.

The second page is all about your sensitive information like your bank account and credit card details.

The third page is where the OTO offer is presented to you, and it's probably best if you take five minutes to consider if it's right for you(since it is one time).

PART #2: Front-End Funnel: Self-Liquidating Offer

 You might be wondering what a self-liquidating offer is?

What it means is that you want your first funnel to cover for your advertising costs. The sooner you break-even, the better.

Products that have a price range from $24 – $96 work the best. Imagine if you could generate all of your leads for free?

You may not be profitable straight away, but it will be well worth it in the long run.

Russel will even share with you his scripts that will make the introduction part of cold leads to your product much easier to handle.

His scripts are named:

  1.  Star Script
  2. Story Script
  3. Solution Script

There are around forty-four scripts!


PART #3: Front-End Funnel: Continuity

This part is all about using the momentum and turn your visitor into a life-long paying customer that will give you his money over and over again.

Implement these tips to your own business and watch the numbers rise!

PART #4: Middle Funnel: The Perfect Webinar

You will learn how to leverage the power of e-mail automation and how to promote and sell your products on autopilot.

 Master this skill, and you're pretty much set for life. Once your funnel is set and ready to go, all you'll have to do is send some traffic to it and watch the conversions roll in.

PART #5: Middle Funnel: Invisible Perfect Webinar

The "Invisible Perfect Webinar" funnel is very similar to the normal one. The only difference is the fact that you will have to pay for it.

 It's something like an upgraded version of the "Perfect Webinar."

PART #6: Middle Funnel: Product Launch

If you ever wanted to launch a particular product on the marketplace, this is the funnel to do it with.

What's inside the funnel?

 Your funnel visitors will experience nothing but pure value from all the video materials that they will encounter during their journey through the "Product Launch" funnel.

The results that this funnel can provide you with are simply amazing!

PART #7: Back-End Funnel: Three Steps – High-Ticket Items

 Wouldn't it be nice if you could sell all of your high-ticket items without breaking a sweat?

 Russel gives you all the details you need to succeed as a high-ticket item seller. Remember this, high-ticket items = big bucks!

Use this funnel to promote your mastermind and coaching offers.


The final section of the book is all about Russel Brunson's sales funnel building software – Clickfunnels.

ATTENTION: ClickFunnels builds the very same funnels that Russel talks about in his book.

He explains all the benefits that this platform will provide you with if you choose to use it. I personally use this software and can vouch for it.

Please don't take my word for it and go ahead and test it out for yourself!

It helped me grew my company, so why wouldn't it help yours?

It's a pretty impressive tool that lets you build high-converting sales funnels in less than five minutes.

The best part about it?

 You don't have to be a funnel expert like Russel!

The software is filled with tons of pre-made funnel templates that can be easily adjusted to your business needs in a matter of seconds.

It can take your marketing game to the next level and can cut your advertising costs dramatically in the long run.

 It's a full-time staff at a part-time cost!


That is entirely up to you!

I strongly recommend this book and firmly believe that it can have a tremendous impact on every business. (positive of course)

It doesn't matter if the technology keeps on changing, because this book is focused more on strategies and follows a proven blueprint for online success.

Always remember that having strong foundations is an essential factor for every field in life.

 It helped me grow as a marketer, and I'm pretty sure it will do the same thing for you!

 If you're serious about building a long-lasting business online, then you should consider getting DotCom Secrets PDF.

 The small amount that you have to pay for shipping & handling is nothing compared to the value that you will extract from this book.

I hope this review helped you and put you on the right track to having success with sales funnels.

 All The Best ♣


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